Monday, 14 June 2010

Notes on installing the alluminium radiator

What the advertising does not tell you when you purchase the radiator is that the fixings for the two fans are approximate. This means that you will need to adjust the holes on the top of the cooling radiator fan and the holes on the bottom of the air conditioning radiator fan by approximately 5mm to the left ( looking from the front). Now, I thought I could be clever and force the cooling radiator into place - its only plastic - wrong! it snapped one of the supports - a quick fix was to araldite back into place after doing the job correctly (with a file.) The longer job has involved purchasing another fan (ebay) and fettling correctly in the first place - moral - do not rush - its not plastic - its black metal!! Also, have plenty of 6mm washers to act as spacers when installing - the old radiator is much smaller and is rounder. The end result is worth it just to see the shiny radiator in place! (don't think it makes a jot to the cooling as the original radiator is so well engineered)