The air conditioning is finally in and working. I had already installed the condensor and switch in the cab so today I set to and installed the compressor, radiator and pipework - it took 4 hours in all and involved removing the original radiator (drain first) and associated pipework. The first thing to do is to remove the miriad of 10mm bolts securing the under tray. The second is to remove the air intake, radiator and water bottle. Then follows the power steering belt. After this it is all installation! The most difficult part was securing the bracket the compressor sits on - the original bolt holes were completely full of rubbish.
Well, after adding oil, dye and gassing up ( evacuate air for a long time to remove moisture) it certainly works and is certainly cold! Time will tell if there are any leaks.
Pipework installed - this was the easy part!
Compressor installed - this was the difficult part - notice the rust on the pully as the compressor has been sitting in the garage for the past three weeks. This soon removed itself when the belt was attached.
Fans ready for action - notice that the left side one is for the air con and is slightly smaller. The good news is that both fans now come on when the air con is engaged.
Belt adjuster - this is part of the power steering but controls the air con at the same time. I must admit it took some time to work out just how this operated - (works the opposite to what you may think!)
Almost Ready - radiator striped and ready for the install of the compressor. My advice is have a cup ot tea before attempting this part. I must be getting old, but scrabbling around whilst holding a lump of cast iron ( the compressor is heavy) attempting to engage a fine thread bolt can result in loss of blood to the arms!
I did not take pictures of the radiator - simply slots into place and attach two bolts. Don't forget to add the coolent back into the radiator! Now, if only I could find a hot day when I could put the top down and turn the cold air on - the summer we are having, I somewhat doubt it! The other half wins again!! (see earlier post.....)